I created a Haiku Deck to introduce my 2nd grade students to nonfiction text features which they can use as tools to help them when reading nonfiction. This serves as a good starting point. From there, they participate in nonfiction scavenger hunts and work collaboratively on text-mapping. This web tool was pretty easy to use. I downloaded the app to my iPad, but you can create "decks" on the web site as well.
Nonfiction Text features - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
I also created a Haiku Deck about butterflies as a model for my first grade research lesson. Next year, rather than put their final product on paper, I'd like my students to create a Haiku Deck about the butterfly they researched. They are focusing on identifying the butterfly, describing the color of it, and describing what the caterpillar looks lilke. They will then compare the butterfly studied in Library class to their live butterfly in the classroom. This is a simple project, but between the reading involved and the use of technology at this level, I feel it is age appropriate.
Butterflies - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires